

Mazliwati Md Shah cuts a slender figure now compared with the obese person she was a year ago.

Mazliwati sheds 120kg and looks a winner

KUALA LUMPUR: Just look at her now. Mazliwati Md Shah, 35, who weighed 208kg last year, now tips the scale at just 88kg.

Mazliwati, who is taking a beauty course at a private institution, now even harbours dreams of opening up a beauty salon and selling beauty products.

The biggest sacrifice she had to make to lose weight was to take rice out of her diet for about a year.

“I ate more vegetables and proteins, such as fish and chicken. I also took other food for nutrition.

“All of that was done under a doctor’s supervision. I also did some light exercises.
“My skin is firmer now and my cellulite problem is gone.

“The most visible change is my hip measurement, from 191cm to 86cm now.”

Mazliwati said her battle with the bulge was not yet over.

“My doctor suggests that I should reduce my weight further to 57kg, but I think 65kg is fine,” she added.

Mazliwati now has a social life.

“My confidence level has soared as before I only stayed at home.”

Her health has also improved with her high blood pressure, diabetes and breathing difficulty all gone.

So will she consider marriage? “I will marry but not at the moment as I would like to achieve my dream first,” she said.

Dulu 208kg, kini 73kg
mazliwati md shah

Mazliwati kini menjadi pemilik pusat kecantikan badan.

Kisah silam hidap kegemukan habit jadi inspirasi buka spa kecantikan

MAZLIWATI Md Shah, wanita obesiti yang pernah menggemparkan negara kerana memiliki berat badan melebihi 208 kilogram (kg) kini mampu tersenyum apabila beratnya turun sehingga 73kg dan lebih manis apabila beliau berjaya membuka pusat kecantikan idaman di Wangsa Maju.
‘Meranti Spa’ seolah-olah merealisasikan impian beliau yang bercita-cita membuka salun kecantikan dengan pelbagai perkhidmatan dan produk kecantikan sebelum ini.
Mengimbas peristiwa lalu, pengalaman ngeri menghidap Abdominal Cellulitis atau selulit pada perut dan Hobbit Obesity atau kegemukan habit yang dihidapi sejak 2004 membuatkan beliau lebih cekal dan bersemangat mengorak langkah untuk mengubah hidupnya.

Malahan, ramai yang tidak menyangka gadis dengan berat 73 kilogram itu kini bakal bergelar usahawan berjaya, kelak.

“Banyak pengalaman pahit ketika gemuk dulu yang melemahkan semangat. Saya berputus asa, merendah diri dan sukar menguruskan keperluan diri sendiri malahan bergantung harap kepada orang lain.

“Jadi bagaimana hendak berjaya? Bagaimanapun, pembedahan yang saya lalui memberikan sinar dan saya mula yakin untuk berjaya dan percaya akan keazaman serta kesungguhan diri selepas itu,” katanya ketika ditemui di Meranti Spa, Wangsa Maju, baru-baru ini.
 Bukan sedikit rintangan yang ditempuhinya ketika itu untuk membina hidup. Ejekan dan kata-kata nista banyak membangkitkan semangat wanita kental ini untuk meraih kejayaan.

Tekad dan kuat mengamalkan disiplin, beliau melakukan anjakan dari masa ke masa bagi membuktikan kesungguhan dirinya untuk berjaya dan menjalani kehidupan normal seperti insan lain.

Pembedahan yang dilalui mengakhiri penderitaannya, malah kini Mazliwati adalah insan baru. Atas dasar mencari pengalaman sebelum menubuhkan perniagaan sendiri, anak keenam daripada lapan beradik berkenaan menimba pengalaman dengan menjadi pelatih kecantikan di sebuah spa di ibu kota.

Budaya kerja, gelagat pelanggan dan ilmu kecantikan diteliti sepenuhnya malahan diserap menjadi panduan serta asas berguna dalam mengasaskan perniagaannya kini.

Tidak ketinggalan, senario menimba ilmu selama setahun di Akademi Kecantikan Clara, turut dijadikan pedoman selain dicurahkan sepenuhnya dalam menggerakkan spa yang baru setahun jagung usianya.

“Spa ini baru beroperasi awal Mei lalu dan sambutannya menggalakkan terutama selepas waktu pejabat. Walaupun memperuntukkan duit sendiri sebanyak RM30,000 untuk menubuhkan spa ini, saya tidak menyesal,” katanya yang berkongsi perniagaan dengan rakan karibnya, Nor Ashikin Mohd Syah.

Keputusan menggunakan duit sendiri diambil selepas beliau kesal dengan tindakan pihak tertentu yang enggan memberikan sebarang bantuan kewangan kepada mereka.

Enggan menoleh lagi, meskipun kerjaya tukang masak sebelumnya dikatakan melencong daripada kerjaya dalam bidang berkaitan kecantikan, Mazliwati menganggap perbezaan dua bidang demikian sebagai kayu ukuran kejayaannya.

Mengimbangi kecantikan kini, beliau bersyukur tidak mengalami masalah lebihan kulit yang memalukan. Makanan tambahan diamalkan didapati dapat menegangkan kulit agar halus, lembut, gebu dan menarik sesuai dengan perwatakannya sebagai pemilik pusat kecantikan kini.

Tegasnya, sesiapa saja mampu berubah asalkan tahu arah tujuan dan kehendak hidupnya. Bahkan, masalah lampau adalah penjana kecemerlangan beliau pada hari ini.

lebih istimewa, wanita berusia 34 tahun itu turut mengakui bakal mendirikan rumah tangga tidak lama lagi.

“Impian membuka pusat kecantikan seperti yang diidamkan sudah tercapai. Kalau ada jodoh, saya bakal menamatkan zaman bujang hujung tahun ini,” katanya yang menetapkan matlamat mencapai cita-cita dulu sebelum berkahwin.

Mazliwati Md Shah

Usia: 35 tahun
Berat: 73 Kilogram
Asal: Bandar Tasik Puteri
Status: Bujang
Profesion: Consultant Beautision
Pendidikan: Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia bahagian kecantikan, Akademi Kecantikan Clara.
Hobi: Melakukan perawatan kecantikan

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10 quick ways to make yourself look good
The expression 'You're as young as you feel' is true. To look good and feel younger you don't have to opt for expensive cosmetic surgery. Here, we show you ten ways to knock off the years and lift your spirits.

1 'The secret of a youthful-looking body is a youthful spine,' says fitness expert Jane Wake. 'If your posture is bad, the muscles weaken, the back bends and that adds years - at any age.
'Imagine that you are a puppet with a string attached to the bottom tip of each shoulder blade with someone pulling the piece of string, but crossing it over as if lacing a corset. Pull in your tummy muscles - you'll look ten years younger immediately.'

2 Michael Cohen, psychotherapist at the South London Natural Health Centre, says: 'If you are feeling depressed about getting older, try to recapture your youth with the Anchoring Technique.
'Create a mental image of an enjoyable past experience. Just relax, close your eyes and use all your senses to conjure up that image. Try to visualise how you looked and acted, how you felt, your energy and confidence - even your posture. 'When the scene becomes really intense and you find that you are completely enveloped in it, choose a subtle physical signal - such as touching your thumb and middle finger together to bring back that image and all the associated feelings whenever you are in need of a boost.'

3 'STOP trying to arch your brows!' says top makeup artist Ariane Poole. 'If you've over-plucked your eyebrows, they may be rather sparse. Trying to shape them or draw them into arches can be ageing.
'Use a shade of brow makeup as near to your natural hair colour as possible. Start by brushing your brows in a downwards direction then using an angled brush with some brow powder or a soft, powder eyebrow pencil, brush along the top of your brows to create definition. 'Now, brush the brows back up and you'll see an immediate difference. You can then fill in any gaps from underneath. Finish with a slick of clear mascara to seal the colour.'

4 Listen to a recording of your voice. Does it sound low and rather authoritarian or even school-marmish? Try raising the pitch slightly - the lower the tone, the older people will perceive you to be.

5 Stop worrying about laughter lines. Because our faces lose fat as we age and our brows become lower, in repose we tend to look more serious, unhappy or even cross. When you smile, your face lifts immediately and your cheeks - which may have hollowed become instantly rounder and more youthful.
So, smiling and laughing can make you look years younger, and will give your spirits a boost, too.

6 Hands are probably the biggest age giveaway and if you haven't bothered to use handcream with a sun protection factor regularly then brown liver spots may add on a few years.
Ariane Poole suggests mixing a little fake tan with an anti-ageing protective handcream. This will build up a hint of colour to take away dull winter pallor.

7 Fitness expert Jane Wake says: 'The best strengthening exercise for your back - which helps your posture no end - is to get down on the floor and think of your back as a table. Have your knees under your hips and hands under your shoulders. Your tummy is the middle of the table. 'Pull your tummy in but keep your back straight. Now think of your right arm as a table extension; lift it up and lock it in by pulling in the muscles around your right shoul-derblade. Extend your left leg, straighten out and lock by squeezing your buttocks. Hold for ten seconds. Change sides and repeat.'

8 Listen to music that you loved when you were in your teens. Music releases endorphins - the body's feelgood drug - and lifts the spirits.
According to research at the University of Texas, music stimulates the regions of the cerebral cortex that stimulate memory, which takes you back to your youth.
Studies in Edinburgh demonstrated the powerful effect of music by showing that chickens listening to tapes of Top Of The Pops laid more eggs.

9 Kevin Moss, UK creative director for celebrity hairdresser John Frieda, says: 'I completely disagree with the idea that you cannot have hair that is longer than shoulder-length once you reach 40.
'Providing you have regular trims, condition it well and make sure that the colour flatters the face, long hair is fine at any age.
'Often when women suddenly have their hair cut short they are perceived as more mature - or making an attempt to look younger. Keep your hair long or even grow it.
'But very long hair or hair that is dark and going grey can look rather witch-like and is certainly best avoided - so if you cannot bear to have it cut to just below shoulder-length wear it up, pinned loosely, and let small sections fall naturally to frame your face. 'This can look stunning, especially if you have a natural wave or curl.'

10 Finally, MISS MAZLIWATI MD SHAH, author of Real Age: Are You As Young As You Can Be? suggests that one of the best ways to stay young is to have regular sex. If you need convincing, he maintains that plenty of orgasms will knock at least 19 months from your chronological age
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